"There is no time to beat, there is Lyme to beat". With these words Casper Freriks announced his intention to cycle an amazing 400 km in one day to raise money for helping victims of Lyme disease. If it is diagnosed early enough then it can be treated without great problems, but for some patients it has dreadful consequences. Casper is going to cycle on his racing bike from Langroek to Yersjeke to Meijel, finishing on the Eltenberg on May 9th 2015. May is Lyme awareness month.
You can follow the campaign on Facebook and Twitter (@lymetrial). If you want to sponsor Casper, you can mail him at c_freriks <at> or donate directly to 'Stichting voor Lymepatiënten' bank accoount number NL49 INGB 0003 504 330. Casper is also looking for volunteers to ride part (or even all) of the way with him.