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For English, Dutch and German names of mosses, see the thumbnail idex of photos.
English | Simple Definition | Dutch (Nederlands) | |
Acrocarpous | Officially, a moss with the fruit at the end of the branch. The plants are a upright simple shoots. More info. | Topkapselmos | |
Acuminate | Gradually tapering to a long narrow point | Toegespitst | |
Acute | Sharply pointed | Scherphoekig | |
Alar cells (=angular cells) | Cells in the bottom corners of the leaf | Hoekcellen | |
Antheridium | Male organs | Antheridiën | |
Archegonium | Female organs | Archegoniën | |
Auricles | Clasps at the bottom of a leaf (clasping the stem) | Oortjes | |
Calyptra | Cover of young capsule | Huikje | |
Capitulum | Head of Spahgnum | Hoofdje | |
Capsule | Roughly equal to the fruit | Sporenkapsel | |
Crisped | Curled-up (usually refers to leaves when dry) | Gekroesd (sterk) of Gekruld (zwak) | |
Decurrent | Base of the leaf that continues down the stem | Aflopend | |
Dorsal | Back, under | Dorsale, onder | |
Entire | Not toothed | Gaaf | |
Epiphyte | A plant growing on another plant (e.g. a moss on a tree) | Epifyt | |
Fassicle | Branch of Sphagnum | Tak | |
Fibrils | Spiral thickening of walls of hyaline cells in Sphagnum | Fibrillen (verdikkingsbanden) | |
Glabrous | Smooth & hairless | Vlak | |
Glaucous | Light blue-green | Grijsblauw | |
Hair-point | End of leaf that is like a colourless hair | Glashaar | |
Hyaline | Colourless, transparent | Kleurloos | |
Hypnoid | Like Hypnum | ||
Imbricate | Leaves overlapping like tiles of a roof | Dakpanwijs aanliggend | |
Incubous | In liverworts, when the front edge of each leaf rests on top of back edge of the leaf above. See Succubous. | Bovenliggend | |
Isodiametric | Equal diameter in each direction (used of cells) | Isodiametrisch | |
Lamellae | Thin sheets | Lamellen | |
Lamina | Leaf blade (not the nerve) | Bladschijf | |
Lanceolate | Shaped like a spear | Lancetvormig | |
Ligulate | Shaped like a strap | Lintvormig | |
Lingulate | Shaped like a tongue | Tongvormig | |
Micron | One millionth of a meter | Micron | |
Midrib | Nerve | Nerf | |
Moss | Interesting and prettry small plant | Mos | |
Mucronate | Leaf with a small abrupt point to the tip | Stekelpuntig | |
Oil body | Cellular oraganelle in liverwort | Olielichaam | |
Orbicular | Circular (more or less) | Cirkelrond | |
Ovate | Egg-shaped | Elliptisch | |
Papillae | Small sticking-out bits. If on cells a microscope is needed to see them. | Papilla | |
Paraphyllia | Small leafy structures | Parafylliën | |
Pendulous | Hanging down | Hangend | |
Peristome | Ring of teeth around capsule | Peristoom (mondbeslag) | |
Pinnate | Branched like a fern | Geveerd | |
Pleurocarpous | Officially a moss with fruit not at the end of the leaves. The plant grows as a mat-like structure, lying on the ground. More info | Slaapmos | |
Plicate | Deep furrows | Geplooid | |
Protonema | Stage of growth after spore germination. | Protonema | |
Recurved | Curved back | Ingebogen | |
Revolute | Rolled back (more than curving) | Ingerold | |
Rhizoids | Root-like organs | Rhizoiden | |
Secund, Falcato secund | Curved (like a sickle) | Sikkelvormig gekromd | |
Serrate | Regularly toothed | Gezaagd | |
Sessile | Stalkless | Stengelloos | |
Seta | Capsule stalk | Seta | |
Squarrose | Leaves spread out form the stem | Wijd afstand | |
Stellate | Star-like | Stervormig | |
Striate | Shallow furrows | Gestreept | |
Succubous | In liverworts when the front edge of a leaf goes underneath the back edge of the laef above it. See Incubous. | Onderliggend | |
Tomentum | Covering of hair. | Rhizoidenvilt (vilt) | |
Underleaves = Amphigastria | A small row of leaves under the liverwort stem | Onderbladen | |
Ventral | Front, top | Bovenzijd |
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