The Hell of Ede-Wageningen

Last Saturday it was the annual Jan Janssen Classic here in Wageningen, which for those of us who prefer to ride off-road means the 'Hell of Ede-Wageningen'. As usual there was a choice for 50 or 95 km, and as usual I did the 50. It was great, perfect weather, super organisation and a wonderful atmosphere. About 5000 cyclists turned up, of which 600 mountain bikers, which meant that more than normal of those who had signed up (and paid!) in advance did not come.  No one knows why, especially seeing the weather was perfect. Unfortunately parts of the route was not quite as nice as last year as the Gelderse Landschap and Ministry of Defence (landowners) were less cooperative than in previous years. But that was only a minor detail in what was a great ride.

Ginkelse Heide