Dangerous dog!

I could have understood it if I had surprised a dog out in the woods, but no, I was going along a normal cycle path and a large dog rushed out of its garden, through the gate, past its owner and sank its teeth in my leg.  Not what you expect. The dog was clearly normally kept behind a fence, buts its owner had open the gate to drive his van in.  He did try to call it back, but that was completely ineffectual, the dog was out of control. Irritatingly,  he did not even apologise but just continued with what he was doing. I got the impression it was normal behaviour for that dog.  So if you are going along the Kruislaan, between Planken Wambuis and the tunnel under the A12, look out! This is not the house with the dogs which always make a lot of noise on the west side of the track, but the one on the other side (Heycamp). This does illustrate that it is always useful to have a small first aid kit with you when on the mountain bike. I always carry one and sometimes wonder if there in any point, but in this case I hope that applying disinfectant iodine into the wound (together with the fact that my last tetanus vaccination was not too long ago) will mean that there are no serious consequences.



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